Monday, August 2, 2010

feeling off

Today I'm feeling a bit off. I just learned yesterday that one of my professors was bugged by how I acted in class. I wasn't looking at the screen-we were learning about powerpoint posters. She was curious about how I could learn. Apparently she said something about "it might help if you looked that the screen." And my other friend had heard it looked at me and I looked happy. Like some innocent fool. I feel so fucking naive.

I had become comfortable being myself around these people and now I just want to hide away from them. Logically I understand that she was upset that day because she was trying to show us her plan for how she organized things and it didn't quite work. She had been getting pretty upset.. and actually took control of the folder (from a coworker) to look for the day. It didn't quite work out. I mean I know she was upset, but she managed to upset me now, by letting me know she was upset with me that day. I was looking at the powerpoint, and at the same time writing information and maybe looking for pictures to contribute towards my powerpoint. But I was paying attention. It's just how I am.

It makes me wonder and hesitate in my actions, what do people think about me if I did this?

It makes me sad, and angry that I've lost that attitude,the one where I don't care what people are thinking about me. Mostly though I think I'm angry I didn't want to face this thought that people might not have exactly positive thoughts towards me. I just stopped thinking about what others thought of me. Anyways gotta go meet with her now.

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